
刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
Advances in Mechanical Engineering Structure Design and Stepping Characteristics Analysis of the Biaxial Piezoelectric Actuated Stage Using a Thin-Disc Piezoelectric Actuator 第一作者 2014/02
Applied Mechanics and Materials Structure Design of the Biaxial Piezoelectric Actuated Stage Using a Novel Disk Piezoelectric Actuator 第一作者 2014/01
Applied Mechanics and Materials Stepping Experiment and Characteristics Analysis of a Novel Biaxial Piezoelectric Actuated Stage 第一作者 2014/01
Advanced Materials Research Structure Design of a Novel Biaxial Piezoelectric Actuated Stage 第一作者 2013/07
Advanced Materials Research Stepping Experiment Analysis of a Biaxial Piezoelectric Actuated Stage 第一作者 2013/07
Applied Mechanics and Materials Design and Analysis of the Novel Plate Modal Motor 第一作者 2013/04
Applied Mechanics and Materials Structure Design of the Single-Axis Piezoelectric Actuated Stage Using a 4-9-9-14 Piezoelectric Actuator 第一作者 2013/02
Applied Mechanics and Materials Design and Analysis of a Ultrasonic Sliding Platform 第一作者 2012/11
地理資訊系統季刊 地理資訊系統應用於校園防災管理平台之建立-以健行科技大學為例 第二作者 2012/10
RESEARCH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Analytical Design of the Optimal Driving Location for a Novel Ultrasonic Actuator by Zone-Energy Method 第一作者 2012/10